Support Our Work
As a non-profit organization, Wendyrayna School exists to bring the very highest standards of international education to the region and the nation. We educate to navigate an increasingly complex and shifting socio-economic, technological and environmental landscape. We also educate young people to lead thoughtful, meaningful and fulfilled lives demonstrating leadership and integrity in their civic role.
We regard our community as a vital part of the local infrastructure and are committed to social outreach through service learning or the provision of scholarships. While our school is open to all, our core identity is very much on marginalised and talented children like those from difficult childhoods, abused children and orphans recognizing that while talent is ubiquitous, the opportunity is not and thus Wendrayna provides.
With the ongoing generous funding of the Wendyrayna Foundation, we continue to develop our outstanding facilities to support the daily learning experience of our students and the life of our residential community. As learners, we understand that it takes place in a multiplicity of settings and that the metrics of success in education need to be as diverse as those that go on to succeed.
“Were all instructors to realize that the quality of mental process, not the production of correct answers, is the measure of educative growth something hardly less than a revolution in teaching would be worked.”
For any concerns regarding fundraising or supporting our school, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form below. One of our school representatives will contact you with more information as soon as possible.